In installing Payline Payroll we follow our developed framework to ensure that you get the best of the system for your business needs.
The actual installation of the system takes less than 10 minutes. We ensure your database and application are up and running in that time. The real business is ensuring that your payroll is
- Set up for Zimra requirements and Government regulations
- Set up for your business needs
- Your data that is critical to move to the payroll is moved in time.

The right set up ensure that you work as seamlessly as possible with the right parameters in place. This means get your team in place so that we can best assist each other to get the right data in place. Typical data transfers include , leave days, overtimes, department names, employee details, bank records, and other important data for your organisation. With the right data in place your system can be running in no time.

We also provide training for your personnel to ensure that management and use of the payroll system is easy and convenient for everyone. We want to ensure that you are able to use the payroll with the most minimal support possible.